Preserving the Tradition of Unani Medicine

Preserving the Tradition of Unani Medicine (27.11.2002)
Syed Ziaur Rahman, MBBS, MD
A Member Since April 2002

Syed Ziaur Rahman descends from a long line of Indian Unani physicians, dating back to the thirteenth century. Unani Medicine espouses the ancient methods of medicine developed by two ancient Greeks, Hippocrates (460 - 370 BC) and Galen (129 - 199 AD) and today is considered one of the traditional world medicines.  Dr. Rahman’s ancestors fled to India during the Iltutmish period when Mongols ravaged Persia (now Iran) and Central Asia.  Under the state patronage of the Mughal Emperors, his forefathers received honorific titles as state employees and court physicians.

Dr. Rahman is a physician-scientist in the Department of Pharmacology of the Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College (JNMC) at the Aligarh Muslim University in India where he received both his MBBS and MD degrees.  The department was established in 1964 with a dual mission of promoting research and training students in the areas of clinical pharmacology, pharmacoepidemiology, trace elements in health and disease, chemotherapy, experimental evaluation of drugs, neuropsychopharmacology and immunopharmacology. 

During his graduate studies, Dr. Rahman studied indigenous drugs used in morphine deaddiction programs.  He is currently engaged in evaluating indigenous drugs for their efficacy in treating other conditions and disorders.  His interest in pharmacovigilance has led him to monitor adverse drug reactions (ADR) of indigenous drugs in Aligarh using World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines. 

Dr. Rahman has received several awards in his field including the Servier Young Investigator Award of International Union of Pharmacology (IUPHAR) in 1997. He is the founder trustee and treasurer of Ibn Sina Academy of Medieval Medicine & Sciences, Aligarh ( and an associate editor of its quarterly newsletter (NISA).  He has designed and created a website for people interested in pharmacovigilance (  And when not promoting knowledge of the pharmacological sciences, he enjoys traveling and stamp collecting (especially stamps with medical themes).  He also volunteers as a social worker in his local community.


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