
Brain Awareness Week 2021 at Ibn Sina Academy (India) – A Report

By the courtesy of the Asia Pacific Regional Committee of International Brain Research Organisation (IBRO-APRC), Brain Awareness Week (BAW) was celebrated with gaiety and enthusiasm to raise the awareness and understanding about the intricacies of brain and neuroscience at Ibn Sina Academy.   International Brain Research Organisation (IBRO) with partner members like Dana Foundation supports BAW projects across the region of Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East. IBRO Asia/Pacific Regional Committee (IBRO-APRC) also offers additional BAW grants to projects in the Asia Pacific Region. In the year 2021, through the Global Engagement Initiative, established with founding partners Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS), Society for Neuroscience (SfN), the Japan Neuroscience Society, the Australasian Neuroscience Society and the Dana Foundation, another 20 public outreach, advocacy and engagement activities also took place around the world. IBRO-APRC selected Ibn Sin

Unani system of medicine is very effective in chronic diseases

Unani system of medicine is very effective in chronic diseases

AIDS Cell of the Ibn Sina Academy observed World AIDS Day 2019

To  commemorate those who have died due to HIV/AIDS, and celebrating the success of treatment,  AIDS Cell, under the aegis of Ibn Sina Academy   observed  World AIDS Day on 1st December 2019. On this occasion, a poster making competition was held, in collaboration with the Department of Community Medicine, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, AMU, Aligarh and Ibn Sina Reading Club. Dr. Syed Ziaur Rahman, Professor at Department of Pharmacology, JN Medical College, and on behalf of  Ibn Sina Academy,   welcomed all dignitaries and audience with a warmth presentation on previous work of AIDS Cell of  Ibn Sina Academy . He remembered how the efforts of AIDS Cell, in collaboration with other organizations, overcame the difficulties and hindrance faced by HIV/AIDS patients in the early 2000s. These efforts were finally paid off with the establishment of the ART Centre and VCTC in Aligarh district. He also briefs the importance of observing World AIDS Day and introduced this year theme

Preserving the Tradition of Unani Medicine

Member Spotlight by Science Advisory Board (USA) Preserving the Tradition of Unani Medicine (27.11.2002) Syed Ziaur Rahman, MBBS, MD A Member Since April 2002 Syed Ziaur Rahman descends from a long line of Indian Unani physicians, dating back to the thirteenth century. Unani Medicine espouses the ancient methods of medicine developed by two ancient Greeks, Hippocrates (460 - 370 BC) and Galen (129 - 199 AD) and today is considered one of the traditional world medicines.  Dr. Rahman’s ancestors fled to India during the Iltutmish period when Mongols ravaged Persia (now Iran) and Central Asia.  Under the state patronage of the Mughal Emperors, his forefathers received honorific titles as state employees and court physicians. Dr. Rahman is a physician-scientist in the Department of Pharmacology of the Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College (JNMC) at the Aligarh Muslim University in India where he received both his MBBS and MD degrees.  The department was established in 1964 with a du

Re: Study Shows Delphinium denudatum Aids in De-addiction of Morphine by Christina Chase, MS, RD

Review by Christina Chase for HerbClip (USA) Rahman S, Khan R, Kumar A. Experimental study of the morphine de-addiction properties of Delphinium denudatum  BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine . 2002:1-4. The plant Delphinium denudatum Wall. (Jadwar, family; Ranunculaceae) grows in the Himalayas and is widely used in the traditional medical system of India. The roots of this plant are thought to be beneficial for treating fungal infections, brain diseases, toothache, and other conditions. D. denudatum appears to have analgesic and astringent effects. A 16th century Persian manuscript mentioned the use of D. denudatum for treating opium addiction.  In a previous study, the authors assessed the 'de-addiction' properties of D. denudatum. They then designed a new study to further explore their initial findings. In this second study, rats were rendered morphine-dependent then denied the drug, causing them to develop withdrawal symptoms. Some of the rats were treated wi

Assignments and Responsibilities...

Officers of International Association of Medical Colleges

Awards and Achievements...

Safety Pharmacology Awards