AIDS Cell of the Ibn Sina Academy observed World AIDS Day 2019

To commemorate those who have died due to HIV/AIDS, and celebrating the success of treatment, AIDS Cell, under the aegis of Ibn Sina Academy observed World AIDS Day on 1st December 2019.

On this occasion, a poster making competition was held, in collaboration with the Department of Community Medicine, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, AMU, Aligarh and Ibn Sina Reading Club.

Dr. Syed Ziaur Rahman, Professor at Department of Pharmacology, JN Medical College, and on behalf of Ibn Sina Academy, welcomed all dignitaries and audience with a warmth presentation on previous work of AIDS Cell of Ibn Sina Academy. He remembered how the efforts of AIDS Cell, in collaboration with other organizations, overcame the difficulties and hindrance faced by HIV/AIDS patients in the early 2000s. These efforts were finally paid off with the establishment of the ART Centre and VCTC in Aligarh district. He also briefs the importance of observing World AIDS Day and introduced this year theme ‘Communities make the difference’.

Dr. Yasir Alvi, Senior Resident, Department of Community Medicine and Coordinator, AIDS Cell of Ibn Sina Academy, gave a detailed infographic presentation on Journey of HIV/AIDS in India. He paid his rich tribute to two wonder women who against all odds worked on High-risk population and discovered the dreaded HIV virus presence in Indian subcontinent. He discussed the epidemic India experienced during the early 2000s and how Antiretroviral has transformed a deadly disease into a chronic manageable one. He also discussed the importance of various strategies and program under National AIDS Control Program, including Targeted intervention, Needle-Syringe Exchange Programme, Blood safetyHIV Counseling & Testing Services, prevention of mother to child transmissioncondom promotionRed Ribbon clubs and Red Ribbon express. He also highlighted the current issues of stock out of ARTstigma & discriminationdeclining funds and need of finding out a vaccine as well as a cure for HIV virus.

Mr. Deepak Sharma, Coordination CSC, Aligarh Division, shared his touching experience with PLHIV+. He explained various problems he faced during his early days after becoming positive for HIV and how he overcame all. He emphasised on the need to remove the stigma from society and importance of regular treatment. He further explained the importance and need of peer educators in spreading messages on positive health behaviour in an enabling environment.

The function was followed by certificates and prize distribution. Prof. Asadullah Khan (Coordinator, IBU, AMU, Aligarh) and Prof. Anwar Shahzad (Dept. of Botany, AMU, Aligarh) were acknowledged for the contribution in spreading awareness in the community. In poster making competition Ms. Shaista and Ms. Shirsty was jointly awarded first prize, Ms. Shazia and Ms. Sakshi were awarded 2nd while Ms. Taliya and Ms. Siddhika were given 3rd prize, while consolation prizes was awarded to Mr. Md. Arif, Mr. Sharif Rauf Khan, Ms. Sapna and Ms. Sheeren. Incidentally all winners were MBBS students from JN Medical College. A special prize was given to Ms. Avina Rahman, 2nd class student of OLF School for her beautiful poster.

Prof. Syed Zillur Rahman, President, Ibn Sina Academy, thanked Mr Deepak Sharma for thrilling the audience with his success story and all other participants for making the program a success. This was followed by free discussion on HIV/AIDS over refreshments.
